Music Invaders Tutorial

Music Invaders is a top down space shooter that uses your music files that are stored into your phone to produce the game play experience.. At the first screen when you choose to play a new game then the game reads your music

At the first screen when you choose to play a new game then the game reads your music library and gices you the options to choose a song.

If you press the >>> and <<< symbols of the screen you will get the next artist/album/song that exist in your music library. If you press the "OK" then a new game will start to play. The goals is to kill as many enemies as you can to gain points.

The controls are very simply. The spaceship will fire automatically all the time so you dont bother about that. All you have to do is to touch the screen and the left or the right vertical half to move the spaceship left or right like the image above. When you touch the left have the spaceship goes left and when you touch the right half it goes right.
Every 10 seconds there will be shown power ups on the screen. The power ups upgrades your weapon or give you a shield for 20 seconds.Off course the power ups hives you extra points too. The image bellow is the power up for shield.

When an enemy's bolt hits your shield you gain points so when you have the shield on it is good yo chase the enemy's bolts to gain points. 

Finally the points you gain its time you kill an enemy or your shield stops a bolt are multiplied by the lives that you have  , plus you current one.  So you reach greater high scores when you do no lose many lives.

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